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2020 M.F.A. Studio Art, University of California, Davis

2018 B.A. Art Studio and History of Art and Visual Culture with honors, University of California Santa Cruz

1998 A.A. Multidisciplinary Studies, DeAnza College, Cupertino, CA


 2024 Sunday Funday, West Cliff Drive Lighthouse, weekly free show, Santa Cruz, CA

2024 Tuna Can Cabaret #5, Santa Cruz Art Expressions, 14 December 2024, Santa Cruz, CA film

         Rachel Maryam Smith Performance Studies, University of California Davis, 2023 – 2024 academic year, Davis and Santa Cruz, CA
         Tuna Can Cabaret #4, Santa Cruz Art Expressions, 20 April 2024, Santa Cruz, CA film

2023 Tuna Can Cabaret #3, r. blitzer Gallery, 4 November 2023, Santa Cruz, CA film

         Tuna Can Cabaret #2, Kuumbwa Jazz Center, 26 August 2023, Santa Cruz, CA film

         Tuna Can Cabaret #1, Ugly Mug, 29 June 2023, Soquel, CA

         Exploring the Earth as Lover: Ecosex and the City, Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens, 15 – 18 June 2023. Performance Art Space, New York, NY

2022 Sunset Bubbles, Fridays one hour before sunset, began February 2020, Santa Cruz, CA

         BIG Bubbles, NEA-sponsored California WorldFest, Grass Valley, CA
         Ecosex Walking Tour on Bernal Hill, 22 April 2022, San Francisco, CA, with Beth Stephens and Annie Sprinkle

         BIG Bubbles, Tourettes Without Regrets Ruckus Rumpus Revival, Oakland, CA

         Bubble Cinema, University of California, Davis, Anuj Vaidaya, Davis, CA

         BIG Bubbles, Roaring Camp Railroads’ Bubble Bonanza, Felton, CA

         BIG Bubbles, UnScruz Regional Burning Man, Watsonville, CA

         Voice and Ukulele, The Art of Detail, Sausalito, CA

2021 Cyber Wedding to the Brine Shrimp, 14 September 2021, Spiral Jetty, UT, with Ewelina Jarosz, Justyna Górowska , Beth Stephens and Annie Sprinkle film

         BIG Bubbles (group performance), UC Santa Cruz, Porter College, Santa Cruz, CA

Group & Solo* Exhibitions

2022 Confluence, R. Blitzer Gallery, Santa Cruz, CA, curated by Alanni Lani

2020 Altered Trajectories, Manetti Shrem Museum of Art, Davis, CA, CATALOG ONLY

         Fog Wedding, 29 February 2022, Santa Cruz, CA, with Beth Stephens and Annie Sprinkle

2019 Colorism: The Spectrum of Internalized Bias, Root Division, San Francisco, CA

2019 blip, JayJay Gallery, Sacramento, CA

2019 East on West, State of California Building, Senator Scott Weiner’s office, San Francisco, CA, curated by Joseph Abbati

2019 MFA Collaborations, Manetti Shrem Museum of Art, Davis, CA

2018 Underground: MFA Exhibition, Aggie Gallery, UC Davis

2018 Art as Response/Artist as Catalyst, Porter Faculty Gallery, UC Santa Cruz

2017 Art/Now/Next, Santa Cruz Art League, Santa Cruz, CA, curated by Valeria Miranda

2017 SCRAP, Santa Cruz City Arts, Radius Gallery, The Tannery, Santa Cruz, CA, curated by Tauna Colson

2017 *Quis Evadet?, Eduardo Carrillo Gallery, UC Santa Cruz

2017 Points of Departure, John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, WI

2016 Sanctuary, de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA

2016 Self: Irwin Scholars, Mary Porter Sesnon Gallery, UC Santa Cruz

2016 Eduardo Carrillo Scholars, Eduardo Carrillo Gallery, UC Santa Cruz

2016 In Conversation, R. Blitzer Gallery & Mary Porter Sesnon Gallery, Santa Cruz, CA

2016 Sanctuary, Bridge Gallery, UC Santa Cruz

2015 Beads, Fiera Abilimente, Vicenza, Italy

2014 Dimensions, San Luis Obispo Museum of Art, San Luis Obispo, CA

2014 UnDressed: Exposé Conceptual Garments, Pajaro Valley Arts Center, Watsonville, CA, curated by Rose Sellery

2014 World of Beads, Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, NY

2013 One & Only, John Michael Kohler Art Center, Sheboygan, WI

2010 California, Cabrillo Gallery, Aptos, CA

2010 American Craft Council Show, San Francisco, CA

2010 Pismo Glass Bead Invitational, Pismo Glass, Boulder, CO

2009 Form & Function, Mountain Art Center, Ben Lomond, CA

2009 Convergence, Widisch-Hunt Gallery, Coconut Grove, FL & Ohio Glass Museum

2009 Pismo Glass Bead Invitational, Pismo Glass, Boulder, CO

2008 Bead Invitational, Lux Center for the Arts, Lincoln, NE


Fellowships, Residencies, and Honors

2022 Artist Residency, r. Blitzer Gallery, Santa Cruz, California

2019 Artist Residency, Sangaar O, Bogor, Indonesia

2018 Dean’s Honors Spring and Winter Quarters, UC Santa Cruz

2017 Santa Cruz Recycled Art Program Residency, Santa Cruz City Arts, Santa Cruz

2017 Dean’s Honors Fall and Winter Quarters, UC Santa Cruz

2016 Theoretical Art Science Fellowship, UC Santa Cruz

2016 Dean’s Honors Fall, Winter, & Spring Quarters, UC Santa Cruz

2015 Dean’s Honors Fall Quarter, UC Santa Cruz

2004 Altos de Chavon School of Design Residency, La Romana, Dominican Republic


Awards and Grants

2020 Osborne Memorial Award, UC Davis
2020 Freemon Gadberry Award, UC Davis
2018 Arts Dean’s Undergraduate Award for Sunset Bubbles Project, UC Santa Cruz

2018 Porter College Service Award, UC Santa Cruz

2018 Gold Slug Service Award for Sunset Bubbles Project, UC Santa Cruz

2017 William Hyde and Susan Benteen Irwin Grant, University of California, Santa Cruz

2017 Porter Senate Grant for Sunset Bubbles Project, UC Santa Cruz

2017 Eduardo Carrillo Scholarship Award, UC Santa Cruz

2016 Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Award, UC Santa Cruz

2016 Arts Dean’s Undergraduate Award, UC Santa Cruz

2016 Art + Environment & Politics, UC Santa Cruz

2016 William Hyde and Susan Benteen Irwin Grant, Fall & Spring Quarters, UC Santa Cruz

2016 William Hyde and Susan Benteen Irwin Scholarship, UC Santa Cruz

2016 Eduardo Carrillo Scholarship Award, University of California, Santa Cruz

2015 Art + Environment & Politics, University of California, Santa Cruz

2015 William Hyde and Susan Benteen Irwin Grant, Fall Quarter, UC Santa Cruz

2014 Honorable Mention, World of Beads, Bead Society of Greater New York

Permanent Installations

2017 Rachel Carson College, UC Santa Cruz

Related Experience

2019 Mentor, Mentor-Mentee Program in Humanities, Arts, Cultural Studies and Social Sciences, UC Davis

2018 Arts Dean’s Advisory Board, UC Santa Cruz

2018 History of Art and Visual Culture Representative, UC Santa Cruz

2018 History of Art and Visual Culture Mentor, UC Santa Cruz

2017 Metal and Foundry Studios Monitor, UC Santa Cruz

2017 Arts Dean’s Advisory Board, UC Santa Cruz

2017 History of Art and Visual Culture Representative, UC Santa Cruz

2017 History of Art and Visual Culture Mentor, UC Santa Cruz

2016 Metal and Foundry Studios Monitor, UC Santa Cruz



2019 MFA Now 2019, Root Division, San Francisco

2016 Baine, Wallace. “Mom is face of ‘re-entry’ at UCSC.” Santa Cruz Sentinel 2 May: 1.

2016 Gomez, Phil. Interview. 5 O’Clock News. KSBW-8, 21 April.

2016 Rappaport, Scott. “Art students contribute work to de Young Museum’s New Generations Student Showcase,” UCSC Newscenter. 20 April.

2015 Nelson-Smith, Rachel. Two Stitches, Lark Books

2014 Mornu, Nathalie. Beading All-Stars, Lark Books

2013 DeCoster, Marcia. Marcia DeCoster’s Beads in Motion, Lark Books

2013 Choo, Chunghi. Showcase 500 Art Necklaces, Lark Books

2012 Hemachandra, Ray. Showcase 500 Beaded Jewelry, Lark Books

2012 Gidez, Mabeline. I Can Right Angle Weave, Lark Books

2011 Nelson-Smith, Rachel. Rachel Nelson-Smith’s Bead Riffs, Lark Books

2011 Baharal, Talya. 500 Silver Jewelry Designs, Lark Books

2009 Nelson-Smith, Rachel. Seed Bead Fusion, Interweave

2009 DeCoster, Marcia. Marcia DeCoster’s Beaded Opulence, Lark Books

2009 Convergence: Contemporary Jewelry Design with Glass, Int. Society of Glass Beadmakers

2008 Wilcox Wells, Carol. Masters Beadweaving: Major Works by Leading Artists, Lark Books


2020 Teaching Assistant, Intermediate Painting, Michael Ryan, UC Davis

2019 Teaching Assistant, Contemporary Art Appreciation, Annabeth Rosen, UC Davis

2019 Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Critical Theory, Lisa Oxley, UC Davis

2019 Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Sculpture, Jeremiah Barber, UC Davis

2019 Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Critical Theory, Lisa Oxley, UC Davis

2019 Teaching Assistant, Screen and Digital Printing, Alicia Decker, UC Davis

2018 Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Sculpture, Robin Hill, UC Davis

2017 Teaching Assistant, Public Art, Dee Hibbert-Jones, UC Santa Cruz

1995 – 2013 Visiting Artist, Central California Bead Society, Yosemite, CA | Beading by the Bay, South San Francisco, CA | Great Lakes Beadworkers Guild, Franklin, MI | North Suburban Needle Arts Guild, Chicago, IL | South Florida Jewelry Arts Guild, Miami, FL | Hooked on Wire, San Francisco, CA | Bead & Button Show, Milwaukee, WI | Santa Cruz Bead Society, Santa Cruz, CA | Central California Bead Society, Yosemite, CA | Toronto Bead Society, Toronto, Canada | Bead Society of Northern Virginia, Alexandria, VA | Bead Society of Greater New York, New York, NY | Northern California Bead Society, Oakland, CA | Central Coast Textile Association, Aptos, CA | South Bay Bead Arts Guild, San Jose, CA | San Diego Bead Society, San Diego, CA | Wild West Bead Society, Dallas-Fort Worth, TX | Great Lakes Beadworkers Guild, Franklin, MI | San Francisco Embroiderers Guild, San Francisco, CA | Bead Cruise, Mexico | Swarovski, Tucson, AZ | Puget Sound Bead Festival, Tacoma, WA | Bead Fest Atlanta, Atlanta, GA | Bead Expo, Charleston, NC | Bead Cruise, Jamaica | Camp Gan Israel, Sunnyvale, CA | Lapidary Journal’s Bead Fest, Philadelphia, PA | Altos de Chavon School of Design, La Romana, Dominican Republic


Professional Associations

College Art Association

Asian American Women’s Artist Association

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