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Santa Cruz, 2024 – present

Santa Cruz (2024) shines light on the positive creativity of dynamic thought leaders through once-in-a-lifetime archival conversation. To date, interviews feature Tom Noddy, Aaron Rhodes, Valeria Miranda, Ronna Schulkin, Amanda Rose Loveland, and Robert Kirkendall. Each interview lasts about sixty minutes and is conducted in a comfortable setting, resulting in recordings and text transcriptions.

Robert Kirkendall

Robert Kirkendall and Rachel Maryam Smith. 24 January 2025._2Amanda Rose Loveland and Rachel Maryam Smith. 14 January 2025.
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On 24 January 2025, playwright Robert Kirkendall discusses his current projects including Yellow Roses being performed at New York Theatre Festival 5 – 8 June and the staged reading of Hacks in August. Kirkendall shares the method of his writing process, local and national directorial aspirations, involvement with community television, and the influence of his mother Grace.

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Amanda Rose Loveland

Amanda Rose Loveland and Rachel Maryam Smith. 14 January 2025._2Amanda Rose Loveland and Rachel Maryam Smith. 14 January 2025.
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On 14 January 2025, spiritual leader Amanda Rose Loveland — also known as DJ Lov3land — discussed her creative endeavors and journey with me including: connecting to nature, her work on the Schwarg Dwari temple project, “creationship” to help people connect with the divine, her band In Love, studying traditional dance in Indonesia, and her vision of creating ecovillage art centers globally.

Ronna Schulkin

Schulkin, Ronna. Rachel Maryam Smith and Ronna Schulkin. 13 January 2025._2Schulkin, Ronna. Rachel Maryam Smith and Ronna Schulkin. 13 January 2025.
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On 13 January 2025, Ronna Schulkin and I discussed her painting practice and role in establishing and managing the 17th Avenue Studios complex of artist studios in Santa Cruz for over two decades. The space is a sanctuary known for its community spirit hosting hundreds of artists. Schulkin discusses plans to transition to a new studio space and reflect on balancing her artistic practice with managing the studios.

Valéria Miranda

Miranda, Valéria. Rachel Maryam Smith and Valéria Miranda were n Conversation. 4 December Valéria Miranda
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On 4 Decmeber 2024, Valéria Miranda, Director of the Sesnon Galleries at UC Santa Cruz, discussed her passion for working with emerging and established artists emphasizing the multidisciplinary nature o the Arts Division. Supporting the life cycle of artists, from beginners to established professionals, and her efforts to uplift the work of students, faculty, and alumni, Miranda discusses the importance of community and collaboration in the arts, the impact of technology on art engagement, and her background in psychoanalysis and business administration. The conversation underscores the significance of art as a refuge and a means for self-expression and community building.

Aaron Rhodes / DJ Maker

Rhodes, Aaron. Rachel Maryam Smith and Aaron Rhodes in Conversation on 14 November 2024.Aaron Rhodes
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On November 14th, 2024 I met with Aaron Rhodes in his living room in preparation for the 25th anniversary celebration of The Box club at the Blue Lagoon. We discussed his DJ name, “Maker,” derived from his passion for creating unique items and delved into his recent foster parenting journey, his concerns about the political climate, and his philosophy of saying “yes” to new experiences. We also explored his love for tasting exotic fruits, his commitment to using durable materials, and his involvement in the goth scene. The conversation highlighted his dedication to community-building, his creative endeavors, and his reflections on historical and contemporary societal issues.

Tom Noddy (née Tom McAllister)

Noddy, Tom and Rachel Maryam. Tom Noddy and Rachel Maryam Smith in Conversation. 30 OctobeTom Noddy
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Listen to my conversation with Tom Noddy (née Tom McAllister) on performance, humor, sight, and silence recorded in 2024 on October 30th in his living room six days before Donald Trump was elected 47th President of the United States. We were drawn together by our corresponding interest in bubbles and invitations to perform for Sven Davis’ Nail-Biter 2024 where the bi-line was: Come celebrate, commiserate, or sit–and–wait while enjoying a night of fun and distraction at the Rio Theatre in Santa Cruz!

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